Hi,my name is Lucas

I'm a Web Developer based in Brazil

About me

A curious guy on the tech universe

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I'm just a tech lover trying to make my way in the world. I'm fascinated by science and all the cool things it can do. I'm always eager to learn how things work, even if it means tearing apart a microwave oven. As a developer and web designer, I do my best to make useful software that doesn't suck. I'm always on the lookout for new challenges and opportunities to improve my skills, even if that means learning from my mistakes. When it comes to coding, I may not always get it right, but I promise to always give it my all. Whether it's a big project or a small website, my goal is to make something that people will actually enjoy using.

2Years of
8+Years of


In my journey, I got to build websites, apps, brands and everything in between

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AVE brand
Bahia luxury website
Bahiastone website
Grupoab Serviços webapp
LKworks brand
Maré Alta brand
Ness brand
Nissan serviços app
Pavimenti app


The path wasn’t always clear and strait, but sure made me who I am

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2016 - Now

TAG.MX - Designer / Front end Analyst

Working full-time as a Designer and Developer.

Vue.js Nuxt Git Figma CSS3
2016 - 2018

Ruy Barbosa - Technologist in Graphic Design

Technical course in Graphic Design, and Introduction to Web Dev.

Illustrator After Effects Photoshop
2017 - 2017

Code.org Intro to computer science

Introduction to web development.

HTML5 CSS3 Javascript
2014 - 2016

SAGA - School of Art, Game and Animation

Introductory course in Graphic Design, and Web Dev.

Illustrator Photoshop After Effects Premiere Maya Flash Dreamweaver Wordpress
2012 - 2014

SENAI CIMATEC - Mechatronics Technician

Mechatronics Technician course.

C SCADA Electronics Robotics Automation
2012 - 2012

SESI BA - EBEP US-Brazil Connect

English Exchange experience with US coaches.

2011 - 2011

SENAI BA - Hardware and Computer Networks

Hardware and Computer Networks extension course.

Networking MS DOS

Have a project?

If you have a project you want make real, get in touch and let’s build it together!

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